Sharing My Feelings About a Special Man Because I Need To
I rarely share my deepest thoughts but when I do I have to write them down.....sometimes it seems no one understands me but writing helps me clarify and put my feelings out there that is why I write poetry....So this is my thoughts about a very special man maybe this will let him know how I feel and maybe by chance he will read it because it is all true every word.... I may not be a spirit but I am very spiritual I may not be a manifestation but I can help you manifest your dreams. I may not be a demon but I can help drive your demons out. I may not be darkness but I can be your light. I may not be a physic but I can psych you up... This man tested her every day but she was determined. For all the pain and hurt he endured she wanted to make it better, she wanted to be the comfort and security she felt he needed. She wanted to taste the very sweat from his brow, she wanted to caress his body with every inch of her womanhood and the desire only grew each day. She wanted to turn his nigh...