An Angel to Me

(This is dedicated to a very special guy maybe he knows who he is maybe he doesn't but perhaps by some small chance he will read this, I hope he does)

His eyes were deep and captivating
like the deepest ocean breaking
He was mysterious and masculine
Like a symphony so sublime.
Strong and debonair
One look and He took away my air
Darken Desire took over my soul
Though I knew he may never be mine
I could not keep my control.
He awakened my deepest libido although I tried to go
he completely fascinated me His is all I wanted to be.
Tracing my fingers down his cheek I felt helpless and weak.
As I caressed his lips with a kiss I felt my strength leave
I felt whatever he told me I would believe and at that
moment I could not contain my thighs aching in need
I wanted him so much his slightest touch
awakened my senses to the highest degree. I only
wish he could see how weak he made me.
He could always make me laugh no matter how my
day may be. If I could tell him only one thing
I would say your always there for me even if you
don't know me or how special you are I want you to
know you are to me. An angel that is what you are
and will always be.

Copyright Christy 2013


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