Simple Delight

Photo: Make it simple yet sweet
make it small yet significant
Touch my heart
and with just one beat
You will see my desire so deep
Just one kiss to keep
A small kiss lingering on the lips
feel the burning in my hips
Thirst quenched only by
your touch, Your caress,
Your body against mine
Indulging all our senses
with one impatient rush
as your skin brushes mine
pausing all space and time.
This one delight only
brought to sight by our
hearts meeting as one.
-Christy 2012Make it simple yet sweet
make it small yet significant
Touch my heart
and with just one beat
You will see my desire so deep
Just one kiss to keep
A small kiss lingering on the lips
feel the burning in my hips
Thirst quenched only by
your touch, Your caress,
Your body against mine
Indulging all our senses
with one impatient rush
as your skin brushes mine
pausing all space and time.
This one delight only
brought to sight by our
hearts meeting as one.

Copyright Christy 2013


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