Loved for the Last Time

I've been lied to I have been cheated on
Now all that is left is to carry on.
Your pretty words can never erase your
foolish lies. Your cheating heart doesn't know how to
love and when push comes to shove
Baby I've Loved for the Last time.
Every time I tried no matter which way I've cried.
Now I know I've loved for the last
time and Baby when push comes to shove
You're gonna miss my love.
I've Loved for the Last Time
Cried for the Last time
And when push come to shove your
gonna miss my love.
When time is wasted and love is gone
It is so hard to carry on.
They say time heals all wounds but I've been
around a time or two and this time
there is no getting over you.
I would rather go on without then to
try when there is no doubt what you
meant to me and someday you will see
I've Loved for the Last time and it
all ended with you and me.
Good Luck finding another one like me
It will never be. I hope you are happy losing me
All that is left for you to see
Is me walking out cause we will never be.
You never cared about me You never will
I hope you find love still but I have
no doubt You will never find another
love like mine. I've Loved for the last time.

Copyright Christy 2014


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